Student Community Service (PMKM) is an activity that aims to help certain rural communities in
aims to help certain rural communities in several social and physical activities without expecting any form of reward.
without expecting any form of reward. In general, this program is designed by
Faculty of Engineering, Tanjungpura University to make a real contribution to the community, especially in developing the welfare and progress of villages in Tanjungpura University.
the community, especially in developing the welfare and progress of the villages in
West Kalimantan. Community Service to the Community (PMKM) is one part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
one part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which plays an important role for students in developing themselves and actualizing themselves.
in developing themselves and actualizing themselves by socializing with the community.
Community service activities are programmed as a process of learning to live in the community.
learning process, because Higher Education is seen as an ivory tower and its knowledge is less grounded.
In this condition, the orientation of the community service program is more
revolves around: (1) Community service, so as to be able to arouse the spirit and
sensitize the community to make changes to the problems they face, (2)
The concept of the proposed activities is monolithic, unilateral, and top down in nature, because
students explore and solve their own problems for the community, (3) Students
Students place themselves as problem solvers in answering various social problems, (4)
The community is used as the object of activity.
Tiga Berkat Village is one of the villages in Lumar Sub-district which consists of 3
hamlets, 5 RW, and 21 RT. The village area reaches approximately 28.15 km2. Tiga Berkat Village
Berkat has potential natural resources in the field of plantations and agriculture, namely
fertile land for farming and passed by a river that can be utilized for irrigation.
irrigation. The plantations in question are coconut, ketapang, and others. The community
Tiga Berkat Village process the coconuts into palm sugar. Problems that occur at
several points of the road that passes through the Tiga Berkat Village road, there is some damage to the road that needs to be repaired
that need to be repaired and there is a need for several signposts or signposts going in and out of the village.
in and out of the village. Road name signs need to be made to make it easier for people who pass by,
signs for worship facilities, signs for health facilities, and village plans. This is needed because
This is needed because there are many small roads or alleys and residential areas that are spread out. The existence of these signposts will make it easier for residents, especially migrants, to enter the Tiga Berkat Village area.
migrants when entering the Tiga Berkat Village area who want to visit or maybe visitors who are looking for the address of a place in the village.
visitors who are looking for the address of a place in Tiga Berkat Village. Therefore, through
the PMKM 2023 activity, students of Urban and Regional Planning are ready to carry out
community service by carrying out an activity in the form of “making and installing signposts
signposts leading to the village to the village office and trash bins” in Tiga Berkat Village,
Lumar District, Bengkayang Regency.