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Resilient City: Integrating Spatial Planning in Realizing Sustainable City Resilience

Indonesia is an archipelago with abundant natural resources, located in the world's ring of fire and passed by the equator. So that Indonesia is one of the countries that is vulnerable to various types of disasters. A high population with an increasing growth rate causes an increase in the need for settlements which can trigger land conversion. Resilient City is a technique for organizing urban spaces that can survive and adapt to any disturbance or pressure that has a correlation with the concept of sustainable urban development, namely innovation, mitigation and adaptation. The application of this concept can also be applied to face the threats of globalization, urbanization, and climate change that are increasingly prevalent.

Commemorating the National Spatial Day which fell on November 8 and to discuss the topic more deeply and thoroughly, the Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning Student Association held a National Seminar with the theme “Resilient City: Integrating Spatial Planning in Realizing Sustainable City Resilience'' which was held online and offline on Saturday, November 18, 2023. The Hataru 2023 National Seminar activity began with singing the Indonesia Raya song and reciting prayers which were followed by all participants and seminar guests. Then continued with the Tandak Dare-Dare dance performance by Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning students. The gentle movements gradually become fast and firm movements in the dance which has a philosophy about life in the capital city which is likened to the process of a city to become a strong city despite all kinds of challenges.

Muhammad Zaidan Ilyas as Chairman of the Hataru 2023 Committee said in his report, “Spatial planning day is an annual celebration in commemoration of National Spatial Planning Day as a form of effort to continue to increase knowledge about spatial planning and urban resilience.” “It is hoped that the organization of Hataru 2023 activities can be a forum for Indonesian students to express themselves in the form of posters in the National Digital Poster Competition which is one of the agendas in Hataru 2023 activities.” Muhammad Ega Alphard as Chairperson of the Regional and Urban Planning Student Association of Tanjungpura University said. '' added Muhammad Ega Alphard as the Head of the Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning Student Association in his speech emphasizing that Spatial Planning Day is not just a date in the calendar but an important momentum in realizing efforts for cities that are resilient, sustainable and able to face the challenges of this era. ''Today we live in an urban era that continues to grow rapidly with various threats to environmental sustainability and community welfare. Therefore, this seminar can be a place to dig deeper into how spatial planning can be the backbone of city resilience in the future.” he explained. The Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Tanjungpura University, Dr. Erni Yuniarti, S.T., M.Si explained the need for the realization of sustainable cities in the principle of resilient cities that focus on the resilience and readiness of cities to face various challenges that are currently rampant such as natural disasters, climate change and social problems. She also added “I hope that all participants who attend this seminar can open their minds to enrich and strengthen various creative views, innovative ideas and inspiration from the younger generation that will determine the future of urban areas in Indonesia.” 

The Hataru 2023 National Seminar was officially opened by Dr. Ir. Yopa Eka Prawatya, S.T., M.Eng., IPM as the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Engineering, Tanjungpura University in his remarks. He hopes that in the future the Spatial Planning Day celebration activities organized by the Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning Student Association can be held annually and are useful not only during the event, but can also be applied in the field. Prof. Dr. Ir. Rizaldi Boer, M.Sc. as Head of Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University as one of the presenters conveyed related indicators of Resilient Cities and adaptation and mitigation efforts in building Resilient Cities. He emphasized ''The combination of adaptation and mitigation strategies is essential to build resilient cities in the face of evolving challenges. By addressing current impacts and future risks, cities can increase their capacity to adapt, minimize vulnerability, and contribute to broader sustainability goals." Mr. Alfri, S.T., M.T. as the Head of Spatial Planning and Control of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing of Pontianak City who is also a speaker at this seminar activity explained how the concept of Resilient City development in facing changes in uncertainty and challenges from climate change and preparations in realizing the concept in Pontianak City ''In the face of coming disasters or climate change, each city will have different resilience, so it is necessary to develop the concept of Resilient City which will help a city have the resilience to survive disasters and climate change factors.” he explained As for the Chairperson of the West Kalimantan Provincial Planning Experts Association, Mr. Syamsul Akbar, S.T., M.Eng, M.Sc. as the speaker conveyed about the integration between the Spatial Plan and the concept of Resilience City and its approach. He said “Cities in this era are directed to be built with the concept of Sustainable Cities which are supported by three pillars, one of which is the concept of Green Cities that are Climate and Disaster Resilient. This concept focuses on how to run a sustainable city through the provision of open space, waste management, transportation, clean water, renewable energy, environmentally friendly building systems in accordance with the spatial content.” he explained. 

The next agenda was a question and answer session between seminar participants and presenters guided by a Tanjungpura University Regional and City Planning Lecturer, namely Mrs. Meta Indah Fitriani, S.T., M.Sc. as moderator. The Hataru 2023 National Seminar event was also equipped with a quiz and continued with the announcement of the Winner of the Hataru 2023 National Digital Poster Competition and closed with a documentation session. Aulia Nada Nursukha, one of the participants of the Hataru 2023 National Seminar, expressed her enthusiasm in participating in the seminar organized by the Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning Student Association. “The seminar held by Hataru this year is very cool and memorable because I got a lot of information and learning in integrating spatial planning to realize sustainable urban resilience.” she said. The organization of Hataru 2023 activities in commemoration of National Spatial Day by the Tanjungpura University Urban and Regional Planning Student Association with the theme “Resilient City: Integrating Spatial Planning in Realizing Sustainable City Resilience'' is expected to add insight into the importance of spatial planning in realizing a safe, comfortable, productive and sustainable archipelago based on national resilience. In addition, it is hoped that this activity can be a place for students to increase creativity and a forum for expression in conveying solutions related to spatial planning in order to realize sustainable urban resilience.

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