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Welcome Message for New Students of the Urban and Regional Planning Program, Universitas Tanjungpura - SNBP 2025
19 Mar, 2025

Welcome to the Urban and Regional Planning Program at Universitas Tanjungpura! Congratulations to all new students who have successfully joined our academic community through the SNBP 2025 admission pathway. Your journey toward shaping sustainable ci...

The entire academic community of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura, wishes you a blessed Ramadan 1446 H.
03 Mar, 2025

The entire academic community of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Tanjungpura, wishes you a blessed Ramadan 1446 H.May this holy month enhance our dedication to both our work and worship, bringing us blessi...

Public Lecture on Optimizing Border Areas as Fast-Growing Areas
10 Oct, 2024

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, a Public Lecture Seminar was held with the theme “Optimizing Border Areas as Fast-Growing Areas:Sustainable Development Strategy and Connectivity Improvement” which discusses about the optimization of border areas in West...


Being part of PWK study program such as an unplanned things since i was in senior high school, but after setting foot in this study program, my view of planning and space has already expanded

Haris, PWK Student Batch 2020

While being a pwk student, I also feel like Dora the Explorer, because I go anywhere and there while carrying a map :) i have read on twitter collegemenfess, if I'm not mistaken the contents are like this, PWK = plesir, wisata, kulineran and its valid 98%

Renta Simare Mare, PWK Student Batch 2019

Being a PWK student is quite fun. We learn science comprehensively but not in depth. We will be faced with a variety of issues related to the spatial so it is very interesting to discuss and be used as material for discussion.

Gilang Ridho Ananto, PWK Student Batch 2018

During my time in PWK, there are several things that I felt. Entering PWK is multidisciplinary because there are many things to learn. Then, in PWK, you can survey while traveling. The point is that entering PWK is fun!

Dedy Aryuwanda, PWK Student Batch 2019

Studying at PWK, I felt 2 knowledges at once, social+engineering. All the alumnee include planners, field surveys as well as traveling, no dizzying calculations for engineering, but everyday working on file reports + plan books as thick as 200-600 pages.

Annisa Fitri Ramadhanti, PWK Student Batch 2018

One of the multidisciplinary and multidimensional engineering study program. Students are required to understand the spatial issues of a region yesterday, today, and in the future. There are many group-oriented activities. If it's not fun, it's not pwk.

Yudistiro Prayoga, PWK Student Batch 2018

I used to think what is the function of the Spatial Planning Government was, what would be organized in this city space, it turns out that I myself directly learned about it at PWK UNTAN.

Ricky Pratama, PWK Student Batch 2020

Being a pwk student is fun in the 6th semester, the most memorable course in my opinion is still the city studio! a report of about 1400 pages! During my time as a pwk student, I also felt like Dora the Explorer, because I carried a map everywhere :)

Renta Simare Mare, PWK Student Batch 2019

Pwk is a engineering but there is no engineering in the beginning (~teknik~ pwk) it's different, we learn about everything and especially the geography is dominant in my opinion so it's fun, every courses is incomplete if there are no big project!

Leni, PWK Student Batch 2020

Taking part as one of PWK Untan students was so fun!, Lectures with comprehensive knowledge include shaping my thinking to be comprehensive and certainly inclusive where we will be accustomed to seeing, digesting and understanding diverse points of view

Juan Edwardo Simajuntak, PWK Student Batch 2018

Profil Singkat Teknik Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota UNTAN

The Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) Study Program at the Faculty of Engineering, Tanjungpura University was officially established in 2013. This study program, also known as Planology, focuses on the study and development of a comprehensive and integrated regional planning strategy. PWK students are educated to understand various important aspects of planning, including the economic sector, infrastructure, basic physical, social development, and environmental management. With a multidisciplinary approach, this study program aims to produce planners who are able to design and implement development that is sustainable and adaptive to the challenges of the times. Historically, Planology or urban planning science began to develop along with increasing needs. In Indonesia, planning education was introduced in the 1960s, when urbanization began to increase rapidly, and the need for systematic planning became a priority. With the increasing complexity of urban and regional problems, the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program at Tanjungpura University is here to answer these challenges, preparing graduates who have reliable spatial analysis and strategic planning skills.


Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat


  • 2024

Heart of Borneo Ecotourism Development Model in Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan

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  • 2023

Mural Design as an Image of Riverbank Area Location Kampung Beting, Dalam Bugis Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City

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  • 2023

Community Service of Urban and Regional Planning Students in Madi Dam, Bengkayang Regency

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  • 2022

Signal Strengthening in Enhancing National Resilience in Border Areas of West Kalimantan Province

Selengkapnya 01
